Correspondence related to writing The Will Eisner companion, 1990-2004 1990-2004


Correspondence related to writing The Will Eisner companion, 1990-2004 1990-2004

Holograph letter from Art Spiegelman dated May 17, 1990. Signed typescript letters from Will Eisner dated June 4, 1990; September 1, 1994; November 14, 1994; February 8, 1995; June 21, 1995 (plus photocopy of August 20, 2001 letter); November 22, 2004. Holograph notes from Will Eisner dated August 21, 2001; February 15, 2002. Signed typescript letter from M. Thomas Inge dated March 1, 1995. Photocopy of letter from Steve Weiner to Will Eisner dated November 4, 1994.

11 items


SNAC Resource ID: 7293135

Ohio State University Libraries

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Weiner, Stephen, 1955-.... (person)

Eisner, William (person)

William Erwin Eisner is an American cartoonist, writer and businessman. A pioneer of the comic book industry and one of the most influential innovators of sequential art, Eisner studied art under George Bridgeman at the New York Art Students' League. His early employment was with Eve magazine; his first comic book was for WOW, What a Magazine (1936). He then founded a company with Jerry Iger to produce comics and comic related products and formed Universal Phoenix Features to market their work o...

Spiegelman, Art. (person)

Inge, M. Thomas. (person)